Empowerment Workshop

Total Women Empowerment helps women move from pain to purpose by recognizing the effects of trauma, removing barriers created by trauma, and reclaiming their life. The Empowerment Workshop provides a structured, safe environment where women participate in various interactive activities and discussion. During the workshop, women learn about the different pathways to self destruction; whether is was physical, emotional, mental, relational or financial. Each individual will walk away with an understanding based upon their own tangible experience of where they are, how they got there and how to recreate and reclaim their life.

Empowerment Coaching Programs

Group Coaching: For those who have attended the Empowerment Workshop, there is the opportunity to participate in an 8 week group coaching program. These sessions focus on topics identified in the workshop and help define the steps, patterns and habits, needed to take women from where they are to where they long to be.

Individual Coaching: Total Woman Empowerment seeks to meet women where they are. Therefore individual coaching sessions are also available to assist women who struggle in a group environment.

Image Make-Over
Image make-over is about identifying the message we are conveying to the world with our non-verbal outward appearance. Often when women are restarting their lives they dress according to how they’ve dressed in the past and/or based upon their limited resources. Total Woman Empowerment helps the woman understand what motivates the way she presents herself. Does the way she feels on the inside match the way she looks on the outside? The Image Make-over provides support, education, and resources to ensure that she embodies her new identity.